kirit ved's web site
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Process for Joining Kirit Ved's online vedic math class.
Check the suitable time for you, during which you want to take a vedic math class.
Check my availability for your slot at +919869015508.
This is also my WhatsApp & Gpay number
If the time slot is acceptable, pay 3k per participant.
kindly get acknowledged for your payment or receive my acknowledgement
You will receive a Google Meet link from my end.
Start attending the sessions at a scheduled time.
Kindly note that you can attend the sessions only after I come online & permit you.
Details of the course: -
Minimum age: -8 years (child must be aware of addition, subtraction, multiplication & division)
Total duration of the course: - 10 hours
Total sessions: - 10 each of 45-60 minutes
number of sessions per week
3 sessions per week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) for the week batches
2 sessions per week (Saturday and Sunday) for the weekend batches
You will contribute towards society as
25% of the income is given to PM Modi’s Army Défense Fund &
15% of the revenue is given for lunch or dinner for Ankur Children's Home in Mira Road.
10% of the seats are reserved as free seat for children of people who can not afford to pay fees( like car or autorickshaw drivers/society gate security/maidservants.. For these seats Kirit Ved's decision will be the final
Next Vedic Math Online
general week Batch starts on first Monday of every month.
general weekend batch starts on first Saturday of every month.
Types of batches are available: -
General batch (during the week)
General batch (during the weekend)
Special one-to-one Batch
offline batches
General batch (during the week)
batches starts based on pre decided fixed schedule(Monday,Wednesday & Friday)
•Maximum students:-twenty
•Timing :-
•08:00 to 09:00 hours or
•18:00 to 19:00 hours (IST)
•total Course fee :- Rs. 1000/-
General batch(during the weekend)
batches starts based on pre decided fixed schedule(Saturday & sunday)
•Maximum students:-twenty
•Timing :-
•08:00 to 09:00 hours or
•18:00 to 19:00 hours (IST)
•total Course fee :- Rs. 2000/-
Special one_to_one batch
•Maximum students:-two
• Parent (either mother or father) is allowed to attend the sessions with the child
• Timing :-suitable to you /available with me
• total Course fee :-Rs. 3000/-
offline batches
Available for nearby areas in & around Mira Road. total fees will be 8000 for ten sessions.
kindly note that offline classes will only be conducted at student's premises & fees may vary depending on student's location.